Registered Massage Therapist, Labour and Birth Doula, Childbirth Educator

Whether you are looking for a Registered Massage Therapist to aid you in the treatment of an injury, stress management, relief from common discomforts of pregnancy, or muscular strain; or the encouragement of a Labour Support Doula to help you have the birth experience you are wishing for; or to attend a Childbirth Education class to prepare yourself for the late stages of pregnancy, labor, birth, postpartum issues and infant care, you have come to the right place.

Give me a call, or fill in your contact information, so that we can assess your needs and discuss your first visit.

Click on the the images above to see how best I can help you.

Would you like to book an appointment or a consultation?


Diana L. Brayshaw, RMT, Labour Support Doula, CBE
Barrhaven, Ontario


Contact Diana Brayshaw RMT

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*  Note:  Your email is safe with me.  I will only use it to reply to your inquiry.  It will not be added to any list or shared with anyone else without your express permission.

Diana Brayshaw, RMT Doula CBE

Registered Massage Therapist, Labour and Birth Doula, Childbirth Educator